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Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Importance of Mathematics to Everyday Life Essay Example for Free
The Importance of Mathematics to Everyday Life Essay Despite the fact that Mathematics without a doubt has all inclusive applications to life and is a basic instrument in science, innovation, financial matters, business, trade and obviously in PC plan and working there is a general propensity for individuals to avoid it for different reasons-some vibe it is excessively troublesome while others don't see its handy association with regular daily existence. Thusly, we find only few individuals who seek after this interesting subject and the final product is that there is in every case just a little center of splendid or great mathematicians which assists with fortifying the discernment that this zone of study is just saved for an elitist few. Mathematician T. Rogers in one of his talks notes: â€Å"The level of the world’s populace, or even of the world’s college taught populace, who could precisely express a solitary scientific hypothesis demonstrated over the most recent fifty years is little, littler still if Fermat’s last hypothesis is rejected. On the off chance that you request that a mathematician clarify what the person in question deals with, you will for the most part be met with a timid smile and advised that it is absurd to expect to do as such in a brief timeframe. On the off chance that you ask whether this strangely confused work has pragmatic applications (and we as a whole get requested that this from time), at that point there are different run of the mill reactions, none of them quickly impressive.†In any case, possibly this observation is supported by the way in which arithmetic is instructed and that is, it is done in a lot of a deliberation and maybe if our educators could assist understudies with seeing how these â€Å"abstract concepts†are connected or could be applied to genuine and down to earth circumstances then most likely this discernment could be dissipated or decreased. In short if could effectively persuade the youthful personalities of the significance of arithmetic to life. Understudies of the characteristic sciences rapidly understand the significance of arithmetic in light of the fact that the regions of study vitally associated thus they handle its down to earth significance, in contrast to their partners in the fields of human expressions and sociologies. Be that as it may, to accomplish this goal, educators of science need not exclusively to be acceptable mathematicians however should have great academic aptitudes too in light of the fact that training this subject is an extraordinary errand dislike a large number of different subjects in the school educational plan. Science teachers Deborah Loewenberg Ball, Heather C. Slope, and Hyman notes Bass: â€Å"Knowing arithmetic for showing requests a sort of profundity and detail that works out in a good way past what is expected to complete the calculation reliably.†In Guyana execution by understudies in arithmetic at assessments has been of worry by instructors since it has not been adequate despite the fact that as of late it has been improving considerably. On this score the ongoing crisis preparing for arithmetic instructors led by the National Center for Educational Resource Development (NCERD) is an astute advance and this ought to be carried consistently to help science educators stay up to date with new advancements and procedures of showing the subject. This is a piece of the institution’s reaction to the terrible showing at this year’s Caribbean Secondary Examination Certificate (CSEC) tests. The preparation, a multi week workshop, including educators from over the locales, is the second in a progression of five, with the following booked for February, 2010. Science Workshop, expressed that the point of the endeavor is to have educators updated with the desire that they will go along their insight to the understudies. â€Å"The educators are from schools where understudies acquired 10 percent or less in the CSEC assessments. On the off chance that we can raise the abilities of the instructors who are conveying the educational plan, we can raise the exhibition of the understudies at the CSEC exams,†he said. Mr. McKenzie clarified that the approach utilized for the updating procedure will see the facilitators taking the educators through activities that would be worked in class with the goal that the instructors can be acquainted with new methodologies of conveying material. He is right and this is the way instructional classes for our educators need to take. They need to get the chance to get down to the â€Å"nitty gritty†of the circumstance and configuration preparing projects to manage the real factors of the study halls and not some whimsical hypothesis or speculations which is set in an outside area and is in this way is completely separated from the nearby real factors.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Statistic Chapter 2 Sample Question Essay Example
Measurement Chapter 2 Sample Question Essay Section 2 Study Guide MULTIPLE CHOICE QUESTIONS 1. The general recurrence of a class is registered by a. separating the midpoint of the class by the example size b. isolating the recurrence of the class by the midpoint c. isolating the example size by the recurrence of the class d. isolating the recurrence of the class by the example size Answer: d 3. The whole of frequencies for all classes will consistently rise to a. 1 b. the quantity of components in an informational index c. the quantity of classes d. an incentive somewhere in the range of 0 and 1 Answer: b 5. An analyst is gathering information from four topographical territories assigned: South = 1; North = 2; East = 3; West = 4. The assigned geological locales speak to a. subjective information b. quantitative information c. mark information d. either quantitative or subjective information Answer: a 7. An even rundown of a lot of information demonstrating the part of the all out number of things in a few classes is an a. recurrence conveyance b. relative recurrence dispersion c. recurrence d. total recurrence dissemination Answer: b 9. In the event that few recurrence disseminations are built from similar informational collection, the circulation with the largest class width will have the a. least classes b. most classes c. ame number of classes as different circulations since all are developed from similar information Answer: a 11. The entirety of the percent frequencies for all classes will consistently rise to a. one b. the quantity of classes c. the quantity of things in the examination d. 100 Answer: d 13. The all out number of information things with a worth not exactly as far as possible for the class is given by the a. recurrence circulation b. relative recurrence circulation c. combined recurrence circulation d. aggregate relative recurrence conveyance Answer: c Exhibit 2-1 The quantities of hours worked (every week) by 400 measurements understudies are demonstrated as follows. We will compose a custom exposition test on Statistic Chapter 2 Sample Question explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Statistic Chapter 2 Sample Question explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Statistic Chapter 2 Sample Question explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Number of hoursFrequency 0 920 10 1980 20 29200 30 39100 15. Allude to Exhibit 2-1. The quantity of understudies working 19 hours or less a. is 80 b. is 100 c. is 180 d. is 300 Answer: b 17. Allude to Exhibit 2-1. The level of understudies working 19 hours or less is a. 20% b. 25% c. 75% d. 80% Answer: b 19. Allude to Exhibit 2-1. The combined percent recurrence for the class of 30 39 is a. 100% b. 75% c. half d. 25% Answer: a 21. Allude to Exhibit 2-1. In the event that a total recurrence appropriation is created for the above information, the last class will have a combined recurrence of a. 00 b. 1 c. 30 39 d. 400 Answer: d 23. Allude to Exhibit 2-1. The quantity of understudies who work 19 hours or less is a. 80 b. 100 c. 200 d. 400 Answer: b 25. In developing a recurrence circulation, as the quantity of classes are diminished, the class width a. diminishes b. stays unaltered c. builds d. can increment or reduction relying upon the information esteems Answer: c 27. In a total recu rrence conveyance, the last class will consistently have a combined recurrence equivalent to a. one b. 100% c. the complete number of components in the informational collection Answer: c 29. In an aggregate percent recurrence appropriation, the last class will have a total percent recurrence equivalent to a. one b. 100 c. the absolute number of components in the informational index Answer: b 31. An even technique that can be utilized to sum up the information on two factors all the while is known as a. synchronous conditions b. crosstabulation c. a histogram d. an ogive Answer: b Exhibit 2-2 A study of 800 school seniors brought about the accompanying crosstabulation with respect to their undergrad major and whether they intend to go to graduate school. Undergrad Major | |Graduate School |Business |Engineering |Others |Total | |Yes |70 |84 |126 |280 | |No |182 |208 |130 |520 | |Total |252 |292 |256 |800 | 3. Allude to Exhibit 2-2. What level of the understudies doesn't plan to go to graduate school? a. 280 b. 520 c. 65 d. 32 Answer: c 35. Allude to Exhibit 2-2. Of those understudies who are studying business, what rate intends to go to graduate school? a. 2 7. 78 b. 8. 75 c. 70 d. 72. 22 Answer: a PROBLEMS 1. Thirty understudies in the School of Business were asked what their majors were. The accompanying speaks to their reactions (M = Management; A = Accounting; E = Economics; O = Others). A |M |A |M |E |M |O |A | |E |M |A |O |E |M |A |M |A | |M |A |O |A |M |E |M |A |M | a. Build a recurrence circulation and a visual chart. b. Develop a relative recurrence circulation and a pie outline. Answers: a. what's more, b. Relative MajorFrequencyFrequency M120. 4 A90. 3 E60. 2 O 30. 1 Total301. 0 2. Forty customers were inquired as to whether they favored the heaviness of a container of soup to be 6 ounces, 8 ounces, or 10 ounces. Underneath you are given their reactions. | 6 | 6 |6 |10 | 8 | 8 |8 |10 |6 | |10 |8 | 8 | 6 | 6 |6 | 8 |6 | 8 | 8 |8 |10 | 8 | 8 |6 |10 |8 |6 | 6 | 8 |8 | 8 |10 |8 |10 |8 |6 | . Build a recurrence conveyance and graphically speak to the recurrence dissemination. b. Build a relative recurrence dissemination and graphically speak to the relative recurrence dispersion. Answers: a. also, b. Relative PreferencesFrequencyFrequency 6 ounces140. 350 8 ounces170. 425 10 ounces 90. 225 Total401. 000 3. An example of 50 TV watchers were asked, Should TV supports pull their sponsorship from programs that draw various watcher grumblings? The following are the consequences of the review. (Y = Yes; N = No; W = Without Opinion) N |W |N |Y |N |Y |N | |N |Y |N |Y |N | |Y |N |Y |W |N |Y |W |N |Y | |W |N |W |Y |W |N |W |Y |W | |N |Y |N |Y |N |W |Y |N |Y | a. Develop a rec urrence dissemination and a reference diagram. . Build a relative recurrence circulation and a pie outline. Answers: a. what's more, b. Relative FrequencyFrequency No240. 48 Yes150. 30 Without Opinion110. 22 Total501. 00 4. The recurrence circulation underneath was developed from information gathered from a gathering of 25 understudies. Stature in InchesFrequency 58 633 64 695 70 752 76 816 82 874 88 933 94 992 a. Build a relative recurrence appropriation. b. Develop a combined recurrence conveyance. c. Develop an aggregate relative recurrence circulation. Answers: | |a. |b. |c. | |Cumulative | |Height | |Relative |Cumulative |Relative | |(In Inches) |Frequency | |58 63 | 3 |0. 12 |3 |0. 12 | |64 69 | 5 |0. 0 |8 |0. 32 | |70 75 | 2 |0. 08 |10 |0. 40 | |76 81 | 6 |0. 24 |16 |0. 64 | |82 87 | 4 |0. 16 |20 |0. 80 | |88 93 | 3 |0. 12 |23 |0. 2 | |94 99 | 2 |0. 08 |25 |1. 00 | |1. 00 | 5. The evaluations of 10 understudies on their first administration test are demonstrated as follows. | 94 |61 |96 |66 |92 | |68 |75 |85 |84 |78 | a. Build a recurrence circulation. Leave the top of the line alone 60 69. b. Build a combined recurrence circulation. c. Build a relative recurrence appropriation. Answers: | |a. |b. |c. | |Cumulative |Relative | |Class |Frequency | |60 69 | 3 | 3 |0. 3 | |70 79 | 2 | 5 |0. | |80 89 | 2 | 7 |0. 2 | |90 99 | 3 |10 |0. 3 | |Total |10 | |1. 0 | 6. You are given the accompanying information on the times of representatives at an organization. Build a stem-and-leaf show. |26 |32 |28 |45 |58 | |52 |44 |36 |42 |27 | |41 |53 |55 |48 |32 | 42 |44 |40 |36 |37 | Answer: 2 | 678 3 | 22667 4 | 0124458 5 | 2358 7. Develop a stem-and-leaf show for the accompanying information. |12 |52 |51 |37 |47 |40 |38 |26 |57 |31 | |49 |43 |45 |19 |36 |32 |44 |48 |22 |18 | Answer: 1 | 289 2 | 26 3 | 12678 4 | 0345789 5 | 127 8. For the accompanying perceptions, plot a disperse chart and demonstrate what sort of relationship (assuming any) exist among x and y. xy 27 619 39 517 411 Answer: A positive connection among x and y seems to exist.
Friday, August 21, 2020
The Importance of the Sample of Essay Proposals
The Importance of the Sample of Essay ProposalsSample of essay proposals are important in the course of writing an excellent paper. It is not easy to write and improve a proposal. It is not only the writers but the support staff also needs to understand the idea of writing a proposal before going for it. The sample of essays should be used for helping students to write essays effectively.Sample of essays also give an idea about the structure of the paper. A sample of proposal is a study guide that helps the student to improve on his or her essay. The project plan provides a systematic approach of organizing the task. This plan helps the students to manage their project. There are four parts in a proposal: the proposal, the proposal structure, the topic, and conclusion.Students can get some ideas from the samples of essays. In a sample of proposal, there are some words that help in the creation of a good plan. These words act as a guideline that can help in improving the structure of the paper. The first part of the plan is the introduction. It is very important to introduce yourself in the paper. This part should make the importance of the readers to read the proposal.This part of the paper should contain the topics and section that are interesting. The second part is very important. The proposal is built based on the writing structure. Therefore, a good structure is important for writing a good paper.It is very essential to start the sentence in the first place. However, it is very important to think thoroughly. It is very important to have a reasonable start. It is important to have an intelligent start for improving the paper. The proposal should make the idea of addressing the questions to the reader.Thisis the next step in writing a paper. It should address the reader. The proposal should lead the reader to the ideas. It is very important to organize the idea of writing the paper. It is very important to organize the project.There are some methods to organ ize the ideas. The idea of writing a proposal is very important in writing a paper. There are some tools that are used to organize the writing project. The materials that are used to organize the project include the plan, the outline, and the plan itself.A good idea for writing a paper is the proposal. The sample of essays help in improving the idea of the proposal. Therefore, it is very important to include this in the learning materials.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Government - 645 Words
Students will write an essay, 500-750 words in length, on a topic selected from the list below. The purpose of the project is to give students an opportunity to discuss a key political science concept, and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills. The project consists of producing a 500-750 word essay on one of the provided topics (see below), as well as a works cited page for sources containing information used in the essay. The assignment is to be formatted according to the Modern Language Association (MLA) style. Papers not formatted properly will not receive a passing grade. Students should use Courier or New Courier 12 point as the papers font, double space the text, and create one inch margins on†¦show more content†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ¢ Discuss the major eras in American history as they relate to federalism, and describe which level of government appeared to be dominant at each time. †¢ Describe what you believe is a proper distribution of powers between the national and state governments. 3. In Chapter 6, Congress, the authors state, the bulk of work on legislation consists of what members do in committees. Include the following: †¢ Provide a thorough understanding of the committee system in Congress. †¢ Explain the various types of committees that have been developed. †¢ Describe the leadership and partisan nature of the committee system. †¢ Discuss the work that lawmakers perform in committees, and explain the role of committees in the lawmaking process. †¢ Explain why Congress established committees. 4. Even though the President, as discussed in Chapter 7, has very few constitutionally enumerated powers, the duties of the President have become quite substantial. Include the following: †¢ Describe the express powers and responsibilities of the President, as provided for in Article II of the Constitution. †¢ Explain the roles and functions of the President, including head of state, head of government, chief diplomat, commander in chief, and chief legislator. †¢ Discuss the implied and inherent powers (and roles) of the President. Submission Instructions: †¢ CompleteShow MoreRelatedGovernment And State And Government Essay1597 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Government and state is like a two sides of a coin. Some political thinkers do not make any distinction between state and government. As a state Bangladesh has experienced different types of government since 1971 including democracy and military government. None of the experience is good for the people of the state. 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An advantage of his government is that he got things done to help the countryRead MoreLocal Government And Public Government1608 Words  | 7 Pages LOCAL GOVERNMENT Local government is a form of public administration which, in a majority of contexts, exists as the lowest tier of administration within a given state. The term is used to contrast with offices at state level, which are referred to as the central government, national government, or (where appropriate) federal government and also to supranational government which deals with governing institutions between states. Local governments generally act within powers delegated to them byRead MoreA Report On A Government854 Words  | 4 PagesA government should always be open to criticism, be held accountable for their actions, and be honest when notifying the public of any events. This creates government transparency and allows its citizens to hold their leaders accountable for their actions. In order to create this transparency in today’s society, a technical system must be set in place. This technical system needs to contain government documents which are easily accessible to the p ublic. But, not all documents should be housed in
Friday, May 15, 2020
Postmodern American Artist s Cindy Sherman And Kara...
Postmodern American artist’s Cindy Sherman and Kara Walker critique and question grand narratives of gender, race and class through their work and art practice. Cindy Sherman, born 1954, is well renowned for her conceptual portraits of female characters and personas that question the representation of women, gender identity and the true (or untrue) nature of photography (Hattenstone 2011). Kara Walker, born 1969, is known for her black silhouettes that dance across gallery walls and most recently her sugar sphinx, A Subtlety, address America’s racist slavery past (Berry 2003). These practitioners differ in their practical application of different mediums, Sherman constructs characters and scenes of stereotypical female personas in her photographs where she operates as the actress, director, wardrobe assistant, set designer and cameraman (Machester 2001). Simone Hatenstone, writer for The Guardian, states â€Å"She s a Hitchcock heroine, a busty Monroe, an abuse victim , a terrified centrefold, a corpse, a Caravaggio, a Botticelli, a mutilated hermaphrodite sex doll, a man in a balaclava, a surgically-enhanced Hamptons type, a cowgirl, a desperate clown, and we ve barely started.†(Hattenstone 2011).Whereas, Walker creates paper silhouettes that are installed into a gallery space, as writer Ian Berry describes, â€Å"The figures dance and float their way down the wall, embodying and enacting exchanges of power between characters drawn from historical romance, sexual fantasy, and theShow MoreRelatedStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words  | 1573 Pagesand permission should be obtained from the publisher prior to any prohibited reproduction, storage in a retrieval system, or transmission in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or likewise. To obtain permission(s) to use material from this work, please submit a written request to Pearson Education, Inc., Permissions Department, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458, or you may fax your request to 201-236-3290. Many of the designations by manufacturers
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Effects Of Video On Children With Adhd - 856 Words
I found this video very interesting. I think this video is great for teachers in understanding their students with ADHD. The video is beneficial for parents who have children with ADHD too. This is a must watch video for any individual that wants to learn about ADHD. At the beginning of the video you meet a little boy named Liam who does not listen to anything his parents tell him to do. Liam is â€Å"fearless and impulsive.†When Liam notices something across the street, he will run straight to it without being cautious of traffic. Just watching the video I was overwhelmed with the childrens behavior. The parents definitely do an excellent job at being patient with their children. Liam cannot stay still for long he is moving around continuously. He loses interest in activities quickly. If Liams parents tell him to stop doing something he will do it repeatedly. Liams mother was so exhausted physically and mentally with her childs behavior that she went to the doctor. Liams par ents seeked help from family mental health unit because they were wary about how Liam is acting. Liams family wanted to know if their child had ADHD. Eventually, they discover that Liam has ADHD, however they do not want to put him on medication. I found out that â€Å"ADHD is only diagnosed when it is so bad that it is effecting the childs relationships and ability to learn.†Liams parents found help from social services and family welfare to give them parent techniques on how to manage their sons behavior.Show MoreRelatedAdhd And Its Effects On Children1723 Words  | 7 Pages Though the disease of ADHD affects every child differently, doctors utilize the same guidelines for each child in determining if the symptoms results in ADHD. According to Alan Schwarz, the rising number of diagnoses makes ADHD the second most prevalent disease in children besides asthma. Over the past twenty years, the number of children diagnosed with ADHD has risen to 3.5 million compared to 60 0,000 in 1990 (Schwarz A1). The families affected by ADHD rely heavily on their physicians to accuratelyRead MoreEffects Of Technology On Children s Children Essay1582 Words  | 7 PagesCauses ADHD in Children Alderman states, â€Å"kids from eight to eighteen years of age spend seven and a half hours a day using entertainment media.†This startling fact means that out of only 24 hours in a day, nearly one third of that time is spent looking at a screen. With screen time becoming more prevalent, it is no surprise that there are effects on the human body. The rise of technology use and ADHD diagnosis correlate to conclude that overstimulation of technology causes ADHD in children. FirstRead MoreEssay about Case Study: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder1579 Words  | 7 PagesRunning Head: ADHD Case Study: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder University Of Phoenix Major Symptoms Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) has 3 types of symptoms:  problems with attention, hyperactive behavior, and excessive impulsivity (Kohn). ADHD is heritable (Kohn).  The child is better able to cope with rapidly changing stimuli, but will have more difficulty focusing on things that are less interesting (Kohn). The brain is less able to focus on uninterestingRead MoreNegative Effects Of Video Games1324 Words  | 6 PagesApproximately 115 million Americans play video games on a daily basis, 4 out of 5 American households admitted to owning a gaming system in 2016. Video Games have become a part of many American’s daily routine. Parents especially have had many concerns pertaining to this gaming behavior to determine if video games are safe for their children especially with the release of violent games such as Grand Theft Auto, where the main plot focuses around gang violence, drugs and alcohol and explicit languageRead MoreAdhd : Cau ses And Effects On Children976 Words  | 4 PagesADHD: Causes? And Effects on Children ADHD is a common acronym for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. ADHD is widely discussed and debated among professionals, scholars, parents and teachers. The first signs of hyperactivity alone were named in the late 1950s. ADHD is common among children today and many contend with the disorder. The causes of ADHD are still likely to be debated as many point the finger at a multitude of sources. Some of the possible causes are: heredity, environment, prenatalRead MoreThe Effects Of Nature On Children s Health1536 Words  | 7 Pagessociety affecting children. Children have been short in exposure to nature and because of this, children’s health has become a big problem in which everyone should be aware of. There have been research that children in urbanized cities are more likely to have complex health problems because of the influence that surrounds them. Thus, children in un wealthy society are to become more healthier because of the constant exposure to green spac e. However, this is not completely true. Children in both urbanRead More ADD and ADHD Essay1543 Words  | 7 PagesADD and ADHD Although American culture has changed over the years, parents today still want what is best for their children. Why then, are parents allowing their children to be put on medications that may have an adverse effect on their children? Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD) and Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder (ADHD) have increasingly been diagnosed among young children today. Parents should become more informed about the over diagnosing, side effects, results of the medication andRead MoreAttentention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder or ADHD and What Can be Done About It967 Words  | 4 PagesAttention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder also known as ADHD is the common childhood brain disorders and can continue through adolescence and even adulthood. The symptoms of ADHD includes sign of inattention, hyperactivity and implusivity. (National Institute of Mental Health (NIH), 2012). Children with ADHD tend to experience problems in completing a task, academic performance and are often unpo pular among peers. (Barlow Durand, 2012). Treatments for ADHD is classified into non medicine treatments andRead MoreADHD Research Paper1417 Words  | 6 PagesAttention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), is a neurobehavioral disorder that affects school aged children with a high degree of inattention, excessive hyperactivity, impulsivity or a combination of any of these. In order for a child to be diagnosed with ADHD, there must be two different environments in which the child has displayed his or her symptoms and it must occur before the child is twelve years of age (Halter, 2014). Children have a high comorbidity level with developmental, learningRead MoreSleep Deprivation And The Use Of Technology1222 Words  | 5 PagesThe objective of this study is to conclude if there is a correlation between ADHD symptoms, depression, sleep deprivation and the use of technology. The participants in this study will be 200 male and female third, fourth and fifth grade students from all socioeconomic levels. These students will be randomly assigned to one of two groups: 1) the majority of classroom assignments completed using technology 2) technology is not used to complete schoolwork. Data will be collected from parents and
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Revenue cycle of the Motherboards and More Pty Ltd †Free Samples
Question: Discuss about the Revenue cycle of the Motherboards and More Pty Ltd. Answer: Overview of Revenue Cycle Revenue cycle of the Motherboards and More Pty Ltd involves four major stages where entry of sales order is the first stage which includes receiving of orders from the customers through various sources after which packaging and shipment of ordered goods is initiated by the company at the second stage. Once the shipment process is completed, management of the company initiates with the billing process to issue invoices to the customers with whom deals are closed. As all the sales are made on credit basis the final stages ends with the ultimate collection of cash from the customers. Internal Control Weaknesses of Company Internal control weakness is the absence of strong and adequate controls in the areas of necessary operations of an organisation. The areas where deficiencies in the internal controls are found are as follows: Inventory management: The inventory maintained by the company is not physically verified on a periodic basis and also there is no stock count taken by the management of the company since last two years. Order shipments: The orders accepted from the customers were not shipped on the timely basis due to lack of stock. Since the stock availability is not checked before accepting the order, the required inventories were assumed to be lying in the stores where these actually were not available. Erroneous deliveries: As the sales orders were increased it led to wrong deliveries of the goods to the customers. Impact of Internal Control Weaknesses The weaknesses in internal controls can indirectly affect the companys performance to a great extent as it hinders the functioning of important business processes and the employees (Bedard Graham, 2011). Internal controls deficiencies can affect the companys profitability due to reduction in the turnover level as it will lose its customer base due to improper and erroneous delivery of the outputs. It may also degrade the confidence level of companys customers thereby affecting its goodwill adversely (Rice Weber, 2012). Moreover, the weakness in the internal controls will also influence the auditors report negatively as a result of which the company will invite various interventions from government and other regulatory bodies (Kuhn Sutton, 2010). Specific Controls to Mitigate the Risk The inventories lying in the warehouses must be physically verified at reasonable intervals so as to avoid the stock out position and to execute the customers order in time. If there occurs any deviation between the inventory records maintained by the management and actual inventory counts, it needs to be checked and corrected. The company must ensure the availability of stock before accepting the sales order. The internal auditor must look at these matters carefully and should report to the management about the deficiencies in the internal controls along with required recommendations (Lin et al., 2011). Also, the strong internal controls must be implemented in the areas of shipment and the delivery of goods. There must be clarity of responsibilities and duties among the management people about the task assigned to them so as to improve the quality of services provided by the company to the customers through adequate and timely provision of merchandise ordered by the customers. The company must also hire more managerial personnel for its crucial functions so that the errors and faulty deliveries could be reduced. The employees must be adequately trained to handle excessive demands from customers and to keep an updated track of order processing so that the delayed execution of orders can be avoided. Ransomware Attack 2017 Ransomware was a malicious computer program which was attached to various spam mails that contained files and documents which seemed to be important for the users. The malware entered the users computers through the e-mail spam, encrypting the important files and other data kept thereon demanding ransom in the form of digital currencies to be paid to restore the access to the files and to save the important data files from getting leaked. The attack has hit huge number of computers across the world as the malware function targeted the computers which were using the old and the incompatible versions of Microsoft Windows (Mohurle Patil, 2017). Controls to protect the company from Ransomware Attack Data Back-up: The company must keep the data files backed up regularly at two or more storage locations or devices such as pen drives, compact disk, hard-disks, on the cloud etc. (Lee, Moon Park, 2017). Avoiding Spam mails: The important practice to protect the computers from ransomware attack is to avoid opening the spam mails coming from suspicious and unauthorised senders. As the malware functions enters the computer programs through the downloaded spam mails (Brewer, 2016). Updated versions of MS Windows: Deploying the new and updated versions of Microsoft Windows may help a company to prevent itself against the threat of ransomware attack. Anti-ransonware programs: Company must invest in reliable security programs that are anti-ransomware which can check for anything suspicious coming from outside in the computer. Also the company must have an updated and secured anti-virus program installed in the computer system. Restricted websites: Sometimes malware affects the computers through the web browsing of unauthorised sites. So the company must provide proper training to the employees to avoid browsing such malicious websites (Sittig Singh, 2016). Conclusion It can easily be concluded that the proper implementation internal controls in place plays a vital role in the overall performance of the company. These controls helps the company to closely monitor the functioning of all the key operations and to improve them on a continuous basis. Strong internal controls not only enhances the profitability of the company but also maintains a goodwill of the company which helps it in avoidance of unnecessary governmental actions. Motherboard and more must ensure the application of necessary and appropriate controls in the key areas such as inventory management, the management of shipment and the delivery processes as these are the crucial functions for the company. Also to prevent itself from the external risk factors such as ransomware attack, the company must strive to strengthen the internal controls in the areas of information system management. References: Bedard, J. C., Graham, L. (2011). Detection and severity classifications of Sarbanes-Oxley Section 404 internal control deficiencies.The Accounting Review,86(3), 825-855. Brewer, R. (2016). Ransomware attacks: detection, prevention and cure.Network Security,2016(9), 5-9. Kuhn Jr, J. R., Sutton, S. G. (2010). Continuous auditing in ERP system environments: The current state and future directions.Journal of Information Systems,24(1), 91-112. Lee, J. K., Moon, S. Y., Park, J. H. (2017). CloudRPS: a cloud analysis based enhanced ransomware prevention system.The Journal of Supercomputing,73(7), 3065-3084. Lin, S., Pizzini, M., Vargus, M., Bardhan, I. R. (2011). The role of the internal audit function in the disclosure of material weaknesses.The Accounting Review,86(1), 287-323. Mohurle, S., Patil, M. (2017). A brief study of Wannacry Threat: Ransomware Attack 2017.International Journal,8(5). Rice, S. C., Weber, D. P. (2012). How effective is internal control reporting under SOX 404? Determinants of the (non?) disclosure of existing material weaknesses.Journal of Accounting Research,50(3), 811-843. Sittig, D. F., Singh, H. (2016). A socio-technical approach to preventing, mitigating, and recovering from ransomware attacks.Applied clinical informatics,7(2), 624.
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